Research Communities

The Kennesaw State University Office of Research in Fall 2023 launched four Research Communities, which represent an interdisciplinary infrastructure that has the resources to provide meaningful research experiences and workforce preparedness to our students and invite corporate and community partners to work with us toward this goal. 

These Research Communities below were identified following an internal examination of the university's research strengths.

Research Communities

  • Susatinable Communities

    Sustainable Communities

    Research in the Sustainable Communities Research Community aims to investigate the complexities of social, economic, and environmental interactions at the interface between human and natural landscapes, striving to develop technologies, models and policies that foster community engagement, resource efficiency, and long-term ecological balance.


  • Innovative Creativity

    Innovative Creativity

    The Innovative Creativity Research Community facilitates research relationships for individuals who are interested in forging new paths through thinking outside the box and challenging the status quo.


  • Applied Technologies

    Applied Technologies

    The Applied Technologies Research Community aims to address the practical application of scientific knowledge and principles for the purpose of solving real-world problems or achieving practical goals.


  • One Health

    Health and Wellness

    The Health and Wellness Research Community aims to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration in health research.




Research Champions

The Office of Research is proud to announce the inaugural Faculty Research Champions!

These faculty researchers will develop and lead interdisciplinary research cluster teams, assess funding opportunities, and support grant applications. Champions are expected to build and support successful research teams for each track, including other faculty researchers and students. Research success is measured by subject-specific research outcomes, typically external grant support, publications, exhibits or performances.

    • Mario Bretfeld

      Dr. Mario Bretfeld

      Assistant Professor of Biology

      • Erin Adams

        Dr. Erin Adams

        Associate Professor of Social Science Education

        • Michael Carroll

          Dr. Michael Carroll

          Associate Professor of Architecture

          • Victoria LaGrange

            Dr. Victoria Lagrange

            Assistant Professor of English

            • Andrea Knowlton

              Andrea Knowlton

              Associate Professor of Dance

              • Sylvia Bhattacharya

                Dr. Sylvia Bhattacharya

                Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering Technology

                • Jason Harron

                  Dr. Jason Harron

                  Assistant Professor of Instructional Technology

                  • Mahmut Karakaya

                    Dr. Mahmut Karakaya

                    Assistant Professor of Computer Science

                    • Weiwei Chen

                      Dr. Weiwei Chen

                      Assistant Professor of Economics

                      • Brian Kliszczewicz

                        Dr. Brian Kliszczewicz

                        Professor of Exercise Science

                        • Maria Valero

                          Dr. Maria Valero

                          Assistant Professor of Information Technology



                        Next Steps

                        Thank you to everyone who participated in our January research community networking events! Anyone interested in joining one of the research communities should view the community's presentation and then complete the appropriate membership form below.

                        Sustainable Communities

                        Innovative Creativity

                        Applied Technologies

                        Health and Wellness

                        Kennesaw State University's InfoReady platform has launched! Find internal and extramural funding opportunities, especially those related to our new research communities. Additionally, InfoReady will be used to identify the proposals moving forward for limited submission and programmatic grants. Contact with questions.
