URCA Funds Application Submission Process

URCA application process
Questions: our@kennesaw.edu
  • The Application Form consists of two sections: Primary Investigator (PI) Section and Student Section. The PI section should be clearly written by the PI; the student section should be clearly written by the student. Student sections that appear to have been written by the PI or that are identical to other submissions will not be considered. 

    *Please note that this application platform has been updated as of August 2023 and will be the only version accepted going forward.

    It will be the responsibility of the individual submitting the proposal to ascertain that the proposal materials are complete when submitted (all requested information is included; no materials missing). The funding committee will not consider incomplete applications.

    1.  The application can only be filled out by an individual person, so please decide ahead of time who that will be.
    2. The selected person should gather the answers to all of the questions before starting the application process. If the student is the submitter, they should receive the answers to the PI questions from the PI ahead of time. If the PI is the submitter, they should receive the answers to the students' questions from the student(s) ahead of time.
    3. A budget table is required, and the link is available on the application form.
    4. Once the submitter has all of the answers to the application questions, they should fill the form out in its entirety, include the required attachments, and submit.


