Workshops and Training

  • Student Workshops

    Student Workshops & Training

    Anytime: Attend a Peer Mentor lead Workshop

    Anytime: Schedule an appointment to meet with a Peer Mentor

    Anytime: Schedule an appointment for individualized help with your undergraduate research questions (provided by the Office of Undergraduate Research)

    Anytime: Schedule an appointment for individualized help with your writing (provided by the KSU Writing Center)

    Anytime: Schedule an appointment for individualized help with research (provided by the KSU Library System)

    Anytime: Check out our Training Videos on topics such as making posters, delivering oral presentations, writing abstracts, and more

    Anytime: Check out the Writing Center workshops this semester

  • Faculty Workshops

    Mentor Workshops & Training

    Anytime: Schedule an appointment for individualized help with mentoring undergrads (provided by the Office of Undergraduate Research)

    Anytime: Schedule an appointment for a class visit by Office of Undergraduate Research staff

    Anytime: Schedule a class visit by an Undergraduate Online Librarian (provided by the KSU Library System) 



