MATLAB QuickStart

MATLAB is short for MATrix LABoratory high-level language and interactive environment.

Show available versions of MATLAB

$ module avail MATLAB

Load the MATLAB module

$ module load MATLAB
Note: default version is MATLAB/R2020a

Please note, the module load command is case-sensitive.
If you don't include a version, the default is loaded.

Start an interative session with the interact command.

$ interact

Note: the default options will reserve 1 node with 1 cpu for 1 hour.
You can use interact --help to learn how to configure the script.

Within an interact session, you can load matlab and test your matlab code.

$ load MATLAB
$ matlab -options   < input-file  > output-file

Note: you can check the available toolkits in a running matlab session with var.

Note: once your testing is complete, exit your interact session before submitting your qsub reservation.

Job Submission Script (run_matlab.pbs)

#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
#PBS -l walltime=10:00:00
#PBS -m abe
JOBID=`echo $PBS_JOBID | cut -f1 -d.`
module load MATLAB
# Create a temp workdir under scratch
mkdir -p ${HOME}/scratch/matlab
export PBS_MATLAB_WORKDIR=$( mktemp -d -p ${HOME}/scratch/matlab workdir_XXXXXXXXXX )
matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -logfile ${FILE}.log -r "run ${FILE}"
# Delete temp workdir

Note: reservation is for 1 node with 1 cpu from the batch queue for 10 hours.

Usage:  qsub run_matlab.pbs -vFILE=${PWD}/matlab_script.m
Note: If you use the interact script, exit out before submitting with qsub.

MATLAB Documentation
