QuickStart COMSOL

COMSOL Multiphysics® is a general-purpose simulation software for modeling designs, devices, and processes in all fields of engineering, manufacturing, and scientific research. In addition to using multiphysics modeling for your own projects, you can also turn your models into simulation applications and digital twins for use by other design teams, manufacturing departments, test labs, customers, and more.

Use Global Protect VPN: whether on or off-campus

In top menu bar access (globe icon)
Be sure vpn-groups selected when you connect.

Start an SSH session:

ssh your_netid@hpc.kennesaw.edu

Create your comsol_submission.pbs (single node, multiple cores)


#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=8
#PBS -l walltime=1:30:00
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -m abe
#PBS -M your_email@kennesaw.edu  

module purge
module load COMSOL


uniq $PBS_NODEFILE > comsol_nodefile

comsol batch -np 8 -tmpdir $TMPDIR -inputfile your_input_file -outputfile your_output_file

exit 0


Submit your script

qsub comsol_submission.pbs

For more on COMSOL, https://www.comsol.com/support
