About Us


The Innovative Creativity Research Community aims to celebrate the fusion of imagination and intellect while engaging with scholars and artists who are creating ground-breaking research and work in media and the arts. 

Innovative Creativity


  • Encourage and support interdisciplinary relationships and research across colleges and units.​
  • Provide new perspectives to reimagine faculty’s unique interests and expertise. ​
  • Elevate and direct the thrust of faculty research to align with support and funding.​
  • Provide mentorship to collaborative groups.
  • Identify opportunities for undergraduate involvement in faculty’s creative research.​
  • Seek strategic partnerships that align with Innovative Creativity, and KSU’s R2 goals.​
  • Build multi-faceted community relationships with aligned industries, non-profits, and organizations. 


Research Champions

  • Michael Carroll
    Michael Carroll

    Associate Professor of Architecture

    Michael Carroll is a tenured associate professor at Kennesaw State University in Marietta (Atlanta), Georgia. Prior to this appointment he was an Assistant Professor at Syracuse University. He is a registered Canadian architect. He is a founding partner of atelier BUILD, a design/build firm based in Montreal. Atelier BUILD was awarded the Canadian Professional Prix de Rome of Architecture in 2004. 
    He is the founder and director of MAT_LAB at Kennesaw State University, a materials library, lab and exhibition space. His research focuses on materiality in contemporary architecture with a focus of  material expressions of under-represented communities.

    As Principle Investigator (PI) he is the architectural designer of the KSU Mini-Pavilion at the Cobb County Safety Pavilion. Together with Dr. Billy Kihei (Co-PI 1) they lead the charge to constuct the pavilion and use it as a site for off-campus research as well as a 'classroom' to instruct elementary students on the interconnection between safety and sustainability.

    • Victoria LaGrange
      Dr. Victoria Lagrange

      Assistant Professor of English

      Dr. Victoria Lagrange is an assistant professor of Game Narrative in the Department of English at Kennesaw State University.

      Her scholarly interests revolve around the examination of novel storytelling formats and their impact on audience reception and participatory culture. Dr. Lagrange’s scholarship includes multiple published articles, including analyses of the transmedia expansions of Bill Willingham’s Fables, the intricate relationship between violence, empathy, and decision-making in interactive fiction, and the study of user reception of video games. Her recent publications include work in Behavioral and Brain Sciences and PloS ONE.

      Additionally, she serves as the director of the Game Narrative Lab at Kennesaw State University, where her team’s focus is on the creation and evaluation of prosocial video games. Their latest game, Corporation, Inc., recently achieved recognition by winning an international critical thinking games competition.

      • Andrea Knowlton
        Andrea Knowlton

        Associate Professor of Dance

        Andrea Knowlton is an associate professor at Kennesaw State University, where she teaches Dance Technique, Dance Filmmaking, Improvisation, Dance Pedagogy, and mentors undegraduate research. She is the recipient of the College of the Arts' Early Career Faculty Award (2023). She has presented her artistic work in New York City, Los Angeles and Atlanta, GA.  She creates and screens films nationally and internationally, at top-tier festivals, including Dance Camera West, Screen Dance International, and Frame Rush @ The Place London.

        As an educator, she has taught at California Institute of the Arts, California State University Long Beach, and Pasadena City College. She regularly presents research on her areas of focus including Dance & Artificial Intelligence, and Dance Filmmaking. She is the principal investigator and recipient of a National Science Foundation Award, which supports collaborative research exploring relationships between improvisational dance and artificial intelligence toward the creation of an interactive dance avatar. She has published in several Human Computer Interaction journals as a dance specialist. She holds a BFA in Dance/Choreography from Marymount Manhattan College in NYC and an MFA in Choreography/Integrated Media from California Institute of the Arts.


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