ames logoAMES Data Core

The purpose of the AMES Data Core is to provide services for military, veterans, and first responder organizations regarding the collection, storage, and use of data. They develop and implement data-driven solutions to behavioral and occupational health concerns. They advocate for the use of best practices in data collection and management to support the mission of AMES and to promote informed decision-making and policy development. Their services include:  

  • Providing technical assistance regarding safe and ethical collection and storage of data.  
  • Providing data analysis, visualization, and interpretation services.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of behavioral health programming or other research and outreach services.

Data Core Personnel

  • Tyler Collette

    Dr. Tyler Collette

    Director of Data Core

    Tyler Collette is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychological Science at Kennesaw State University with training in qualitative and quantitative approaches to science. Dr. Collette provides specific methodological and logistical knowledge to ensure proper initiation, administration, handling, cleaning, analysis, and dissemination of collected data. He oversees data collection, data storage, and assurance of data quality for the AMES Research Center.

  • Chris Hess

    Dr. Chris Hess

    Social Demographer

    Chris Hess is a social demographer and Assistant Professor of Sociology at Kennesaw State University. His research focuses on residential segregation, housing inequalities and applying demographic methods to heterogeneous data. Dr. Hess is currently working on a mixed-methods study focused on housing insecurity and homelessness among Georgia veterans.

  • Thomas Hodges

    Dr. Thomas Hodges

    Post-Doctoral Fellow

    Thomas Hodges graduated with a Ph.D. in International Conflict Management from the School of Conflict Management, Peacebuilding and Development at Kennesaw State University in December 2023. He works in the AMES Research Center as a Post-Doctoral Fellow and plays a major role in the coordination and management of multiple research studies on occupational and behavioral health among military service members, veterans, and/or emergency services employees. 

    Recent, Upcoming, or Ongoing Work by the Data Core 

    AMES Data Core Builds a Data Dashboard to Enhance Suicide Prevention Efforts 
    Those who aim to promote mental health and prevent suicide often turn to research to make informed decisions, but it can be challenging to wait until an academic paper is published to understand current needs and risk factors related to suicide among service members, veterans, and their family members. In collaboration with the Georgia Department of Veterans Service, the AMES Data Core created a Data Dashboard to translate and visualize data on risk factors for suicidality. Their dashboard translates the results of a grant-funded assessment into a user-friendly dashboard, including a map feature, that helps users visualize the location and intensity of suicide risk across Georgia. The AMES Data Core states that they are excited to contribute to this project because it provides quick and actionable information to those who make policy decisions about the location and availability of programming and resources. The dashboard is pictured below using simulated data. 

    Suicide risk


    AMES Data Core Uses a Data-Drive Approach to Understand Housing Insecurity Among Veterans 
    There is a widespread assumption that housing unaffordability is less of a problem among Veterans,Housing insecurity whether due to advantages on the labor market or programs aiming to help veterans access housing. The AMES Data Core has leveraged data from a representative national survey to test this assumption, finding that veterans are affected by housing unaffordability as much as the general population in recent years, driven by increases in veteran representation among more vulnerable subpopulations, such as female veterans or veterans with disabilities. Ongoing and future work will also use interviews with veterans who previously experienced homelessness to identify obstacles that keep people from using existing resources and programs related to housing. The AMES Data Core is excited to continue their work on this project because it is an opportunity to use data to dispel myths, improve policies and programs, and protect those at higher risk of homelessness.  
