SSLC Guidelines


  1. Externally Funded Research
  2. Expectations of Scholarly Activity
    1. Publications
    2. Presentations
    3. Other, as defined by field
  3. Interdisciplinary Research
  4. Results of Success for Past Space Usage

Social Science Lab Complex (SSLC) Reservation Guidelines

  • During SSLC business hours, lab spaces can be reserved by KSU faculty and postdocs (“researchers”) based on the prioritized guiding principles above. After business hours, the lab spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Users anticipating after-hours needs should request access to at least two business days prior to anticipated after-hours usage and will be required to update their TalonCard at an on-campus hotspot to gain access via the facility’s Salto lock.
  • The decisions regarding use of space are guided by a committee comprised of the Office of Research leadership and Associate Deans for Research (ADRs) representing Colleges who conduct research with human subjects (BCOE, RCHSS, WCHHS, CCOB).

1. A valid Kennesaw State University NetID is required to request a lab/space reservation.

2. To ensure a lab space’s availability, reservations should be made as soon as final dates/times for research are established. Any external/non-KSU participants should be identified in the reservation, when applicable.

3. When no reservations have been made, the lab spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Researchers using labs/space in this context should be prepared to vacate the room for a scheduled reservation.

4. SSLC labs/spaces are intended for collaborative research projects, not individual study. Groups will have priority for the use of lab spaces.

5. The SSLC video room is intended for researchers with video-conferencing needs, and those researchers will take priority over groups not making use of the video-conferencing equipment.

6. In the SSLC computer room, researchers with computer needs will take priority over groups not making use of the computer equipment.

7. A group that is more than 15 minutes late forfeits their reservation. Repeated forfeitures or no-shows may result in restricted ability to reserve SSLC labs/spaces moving forward, at the discretion of the Vice President for Research.
