External Funding Spotlight

National Science Foundation - Future Manufacturing

Fundamental research and education of a future workforce that will enable manufacturing that either does not exist today or exists only at such small scales that it is not viable.

  • New, potentially transformative, capabilities—not improvements and not Advanced Manufacturing
    Three research thrust areas for FY20: Cyber Manufacturing,  Eco Manufacturing, and Biomanufacturing
  • Types of awards: NSF logo
    • Research Grant: 5 years, $500k-$2M/yr. Fundamental, multidisciplinary, and integrative research & education
    • Seed Grant: 2 years, $250k/yr. Teambuilding, concept development, and research initiation, leading to future proposals
    • Future Manufacturing Networks: 5 years, $500k total. Form communities of researchers, educators and stakeholders
  • Letters of intent due April 10, full proposals due June 5, 2020
  • Also encouraging workshops to develop communities and topics for other future manufacturing thrust areas

See solicitation 20-552 for more info, requirements & review criteria: https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2020/nsf20552/nsf20552.htm.

