CARET AWARDS Frequently Asked Questions

  • Because CARETs are very competitive and the panel review group would like to see new faculty work with undergraduate researchers, it is unlikely (but not impossible) that a faculty member would receive more than one CARET award at this time.

  • That is possible; however, any changes need to be discussed with the Director of the Office of Undergraduate Research first. Some changes, especially those that change a project to be less student-centered, might not be approved.

  • No.

  • No. In order to be fair to all other applicants, we need to adhere strictly to deadlines, as all grants do.

  • Yes.

    • Too few details are provided (much fewer words than allowed in sections with word limits).
    • The budget is not itemized as specifically as reviewers like (e.g., “Supplies: $500”).
    • The timeline is vague.
    • There are numerous writing errors (grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.). Consider visiting the Writing Center for help.
    • The budget is not student-centered enough (i.e., all of the funding going toward faculty stipends or course releases).
    • The budget and/or timeline has obvious flaws (e.g., student travel amounts wouldn’t be enough given the number of students traveling; timeline starts/ends at incorrect times).
    • Not following directions (e.g., no learning outcomes listed in the learning outcomes section).
    • There are feasibility concerns (e.g., the project can’t be completed unless another external grant also comes through; the students won’t be able to present until after the funding period).
  • The CARETs are increasingly competitive. In 2012, 3 out of the 8 applications were funded (37.50% acceptance rate). Five years later, in 2017, 3 out of 23 applications were funded (13%).

  • CARET applications are reviewed by a panel review group. Each member individually evaluates each application prior to an in-person meeting. The group meets, discusses the applications, and makes decisions.

  • Funded applications typically have:

    • Clear, engaging descriptions of the proposed research project(s), including how the research will make a unique contribution to the literature in this area.
    • A student-focused budget.
    • A plan for obtaining more funds if necessary (e.g., URCA, external funding).
    • A list of measurable student learning outcomes (e.g., “at the end of this project, undergraduate researchers will be able to conduct appropriate data analysis techniques in SAS”). You can find a list of possible learning outcomes here
    • Learning outcomes that focus on both products as well as process.
    • A detailed timeline (usually by month).

