IACUC Application Instructions

Please follow the information below to apply for IACUC approval. Contact the IACUC Administrator at iacuc@kennesaw.edu with any questions.

Animal Care and Use Protocol (ACUP) Form

The PI must fully complete an IACUC ACUP Application Form.


Departmental Sign-Off

The completed ACUP form is to be signed by the applicant’s department head or, in lieu of a written signature, department heads may send an email to iacuc@kennesaw.edu stating that they are aware of the proposed work and concur with its submittal to the IACUC. When the department chair is the Principal Investigator named in the ACUP, no other sign-off is required.


Statement of Work or Project Description

If external funding is associated with this protocol, a copy of the funding proposal or final grant pages sent to the funding agency must be sent to the IACUC along with the ACUP form. Federal regulations require the IACUC to compare the protocol to the funding proposal Statement of Work or Project Description. Substantive differences must be satisfactorily addressed prior to IACUC approval.


ACUP Form Submission

The ACUP Form and funding attachments should be submitted to the IACUC via email to iacuc@kennesaw.edu.


Required Training

Everyone named on the protocol (including students, post-docs, lab techs, Visiting Scholars, and affiliates) is required to complete the online training course “Working with the IACUC” as well as their species specific training. Online training information can be found at IACUC Online CITI Training.


Revised Protocol Submission

If ACUP modification or amendments are required, the PI should modify the protocol in accordance with the IACUC Chair’s instructions and then submit the modified ACUP to the IACUC via email to iacuc@kennesaw.edu.
