COVID Guidelines for Research

The USG updates its policy on masks and social distancing in accordance with the guidance provided by the CDC. According to the current guidelines, mask wearing is strongly encouraged while indoors on campus. Individuals are still encouraged to socially distance from others when possible. 

As conditions continue to fluctuate, we urge you to remain diligent in following the latest CDC and DPH health and safety protocols. 

Anyone who is feeling ill should stay home and contact their health professional. Signs of illness include, but are not limited to, the following: 

  • Cough 
  • Fever of 100.4 or higher 
  • Runny nose or new sinus congestion 
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing 
  • Chills 
  • Sore throat 
  • New loss of taste and/or smell  
  • There is no need to create or implement COVID-19 operation plans for laboratory spaces, or for researchers to file COVID-19 screening information or Return to Research forms. Researchers are encouraged to continue wearing masks while inside campus facilities and social distancing from others when possible. Good personal hygiene is always recommended in shared spaces.

  • Mask wearing by both researchers and participants is encouraged, especially in circumstances where social distancing is difficult or impossible due to the particular procedures in the research protocol. Researchers coming in contact with participants should continue to self-screen daily and stay home if they do not feel well; it is not necessary to file any screening documents.

    All new IRB submissions do not need to identify COVID-19 related risks or protections at this time. If you paused approved research during the pandemic and want to resume, no submission or notification to the IRB is required. Continue to follow current public health guidance, state and local ordinance and laws, and institutional policies where the research will take place.

  • At this time, there are no special requirements or permissions needed for undergraduate and graduate students to perform research on campus. Student researchers are encouraged to continue wearing masks while inside campus facilities and social distancing from others when possible. 

    Please remember that you are not allowed to inquire about a student’s vaccination status. Continue to encourage appropriate hygiene for students in your research group, and that students stay home if they do not feel well. 

    If you have any questions about working with students you can contact the Office of Undergraduate Research ( or the College of Graduate and Professional Education ( 

For more information, please email, and/or contact your college's assistant/associate dean of research. 

Click here for KSU COVID-19 information for students, faculty and staff.
